Pan-European convergence of legal, economic and culturalfoundations for the prevention of corruption
Scientific research
Makarenkov O. L. Effectiveness of using models of European legal mechanisms for countering corruption in Ukraine. State and regions. Series: Law. 2022. No. 2.
Makarenkov O. L., Kolomoets T. O. Determination of ways of reforming the anti-corruption legislation of Ukraine in accordance with European standards. Scholarly notes of the Tavri National University named after V. I. Vernadskyi. Series: Legal Sciences. 2022. Volume 33 (72). No. 2. C. 41-47 -download
Makarenkov O. L., Tupakhina O. V. Correlations of life-creating values and norms of anti-corruption legislation of Ukraine and the EU: ontological foundations. Law and public administration. 2022. No. 2. C. 126-133. -download